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Gazania Mezban Restaurant

open now, until 22:30

Multi Cuisine Fine Dining Restaurant A unit of Calicut Albake Mezban - Taste that lingers! Mezban is a name that is familiar to anyone who has been to Calicut as it is one of the most favored restaurants here. You are not likely to forget the name of the restaurant anytime soon once you have tasted the food here, be it traditional Malabari, Thai, Chinese or Continental dishes. Read more

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Popularity of Gazania Mezban Restaurant

Gazania Mezban Restaurant Social Media Popularity Score:
5.1 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in February:
Gazania Mezban Restaurant has a total of 3488 visitors (checkins) and 4643 likes.
20 reviews of Gazania Mezban Restaurant. Average grade 4.1 av 5.